Thursday, May 10, 2007

Top Ten Uses for Cape Wind Book

10. Use it to wrap dead fish that will float in from Horseshoe Shoal

9. Saute it in leaking transformer oil - with a little salt water

8. Make it into a life raft for sea ducks, plovers, and terns that will be zapped by the rotors

7. Grind it into food for out of work fishermen

6. Sell it aboard the high speed ferries as Nantucket Sound flotation devises

5. Convert it into barf bags for passengers aboard airplanes that will have to soar and dip around the turbines

4. Use it as a deflector for confused radar at PAVE PAWS

3. Transform it into novelty sun visors for tourists who will flee the Cape and Islands for New Jersey

2. Issue it in paperback with a revised title, "Breaking Wind"

1. Burn it for fuel in Jim Gordon's Chelsea diesel power plant


Anonymous said...

I take it you read it and your name didn't appear?

Dona Tracy said...

My name wouldn't appear just as no average citizen's name appears. Williams and Whitcomb are one sided rich bashers. They bash the named wealthy opponents (but never mention the average citizen who needs the back-up in order to fight this wealthy developer)on one side yet elevate the position of a fat cat developer, Jim Gordon, on the other to hero status.

The book is bunk!