Saturday, February 24, 2007

Sound Views on Wind Energy

The opposition to industrial wind power has been given a bad name by the industry, politicians and an uninformed media.

With this blog, our hope is to establish a dialog with others who believe we don't need to polarize ourselves over the issue but rather to understand what is at stake and come up with viable solutions that will help and not harm our environment. The old Nature vs. Nurture paradigm needs to be replaced with Nature and Nurture and it is our belief that it can.

My background is as an advocate for wildlife, particularly the Birds of Prey. Over 25 years ago I founded a not for profit center devoted to the health and well being of raptors called the Hudson Valley Raptor Center. It is my belief that through these magnificent beings we can learn more about the environment we all share and that with that knowledge of our inborn connection we can, as the Native Americans so wisely suggest, learn to walk lightly on the Earth.

In spite of industry slanted reports on industrial wind power plants having little to no affect on bird mortality, as one who works in the trenches with the injured raptors, I can tell you this is not true. Some suggest that it is worth the sacrifice of our wildlife today for a cleaner environment tomorrow but I do not buy that. To me, the sacrifice must be on a more personal level as in Conservation which is not even being given any plausibility at all but is the key to not only saving energy, lessening our dependence on foreign oil but cleaning up the mess we have made. It makes no sense to me to further harm our already struggling environment, wildlife and wild places in order to save them.

Together we can find solutions that are based on Nature and Nurture not as opposites but as integral parts of this big puzzle we call life.

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